Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" season 2 episode 3

15,948 times!! =O

Oh my gosh, what're they gonna do? =O I like Itsuki's idea of Kyon telling Haruhi he loves her. xD That may work! xD Remember when they were stuck in that separate world? He kissed her, and they went back home!

Poor Yuki... Being an alien can suck sometimes! xD I forgot how long Kyon said she had been enduring this (and I'm too lazy to figure out myself =P), but it was a loooooooong time.

I'm sorry, but I don't feel sympathy for this whiny crybaby...

Man, this show is so good! =D I know I keep saying that, but it is, and I'm so glad it's back! ^w^

Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Hatsukoi Limited" episode 11

Only one more episode left! =O

I'm gonna miss this show. It's so darn good! =3 I still feel bad for Kei and Kusuda, but at least Kei got a pep talk from Beast-kun.

This show is made of pep talks! xD

But poor Kei before that scene, and even somewhat afterwards, 'cause she still thinks Kusuda hates her. Also, we got deeper into Kusuda's feelings, which make us feel even worse for him.

You have to wonder: how are they going to fix every problem in one episode? =O Well, you know what that means? EPIC EPISODE. Either that or a downer one. =P OR a second season (they better, because this show rocks!).

Man, the very thought of traveling on my bike makes me exhausted... -_-;;; Well, I have bad endurance... GETTING OFF THE POINT.

Yeah, it's pretty insane what they're doing. I wouldn't do that unless I had a bunch of money for the train, hotel rooms, food, etc. They really didn't plan it out, those morons... -_-;;;

FINALLY she realizes that Yuuji doesn't like her! Alright, now just hook up with Yoshihiko, alright? xD They BETTER. Then Ayumi with Mamoru, Kei with Kusuda, Nao with Hiroyuki, and Meguru with Takei. Lol, there, now you know all the people I ship. xP

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"K-On!" episode 12

Wow... an actually... good episode. =3

Well, the last episode didn't make up for all the bad ones before it, but it was still one last good...

(Shout-out to CoalGuys: thanks for your subs!)

... Wait... Another episode!? O^o Oh, well, it looks like they'll be an extra episode. (Is it airing on TV or is it an OVA?) There may be a second season, I suspect, because they did end at a rather... bad place to end if you ask me, but who knows? (God Knows... Haha, see what I did thar?)

So, seeing this is K-On!, a show I find filled with a lot of... filler, there's not too much to mention, I guess. I mean, then ending was real cute, if you ask me. =3 AND MIO SHOULD BE THE PERMANENT LEAD SINGER! ... ahem... Sorry, but seriously, she's a much better singer than Yui. I mean, Yui's talented and all, but Mio just sounds cooler! =D

I do have to agree with the Jaalin of Random Curiosity (thank you, all of you there, for screenshots, by the way! ^w^) that this episode was kind of awkward, though I've felt that the last few episodes have been that way, but at least this had a little more substance in it than the last few, if you ask me. =3

But, anyway, this was supposed to be the finale, right? xP Well, I guess because the last one is an extra episode, I will count this as the first show where I've gotten to the finale in my blog (I know I missed the beginning, but I say it still counts! xD) So, because of that, everyone gets a free TV! =D Just kidding. =P Yeah, bad joke, but maybe I will do something special, either that or when I get through a full season, posting a review for every episode of it. =3

Well, I guess this isn't quite "goodbye" yet, girls. =3

Saturday, June 20, 2009

"The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" season 2 episode 2

Man, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya rocks! =D

There's not much to say about this episode. This first half of "Endless Eight" was just them all doing a bunch of fun-looking things over the last bit of summer (I feel kinda jealous of them xD). =3 But even though it was only that, it was fun to watch! =D You see? The Melancholy does it right! Makes an episode with what seems like filler (seeing it's going to be important in the next part, it's not filler) very enjoyable to watch! ^w^

So, yeah, sorry, but I don't have very much to say, I guess, just that all their activities looked like fun! =D Also that and I really liked Haruhi in this one. I started off by hating Haruhi and her... anger issues (though, thankfully, she isn't always angry xD), but I've started to really like her! ^w^

Well, sense I wasn't able to say much, I'm going to find some random screenshot to put here for no reason... Or maybe two... Hmm...

Am I the only one who sees Yuki in her uniform?

Aww... Yuki wants a mask. =3

I find it adorable when Yuki acts more... human-like. xD

She is so a Chew Toy...

NO. It doesn't work that way!

As mentioned before, in courage tests, they have to split into pairs with one boy and one girl! xD But, seriously, it's more fun that way.

Well, that was more than two...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"Hatsukoi Limited" episode 10

This is why you confess!!!

Oh, man, poor Kei and Kusuda... T^T This better be fixed soon! D= They could possibly be my favorite pair (don't ask why; it might be because their ship tease is so cute). 

So, anyway...


I don't like her! =P I've only seen her in one episode and I don't like her. xD Maybe it's because she's kind of like Kei's rival. =P


Haha, random. =P

So, going on... This episode mainly involved Kei and Kusuda stuff and Meguru and Tekai stuff. Two new characters are introduced: Sumire and Nanoka. I already mentioned that I don't like Sumire, but I also don't like Nanoka. xD Two new characters, and I hate them both. xDD

Poor Meguru sucks at swimming now. D= She makes it seem like she just started sucking for no reason, but lets see... Her first match was against Nanoka, a little thing that is slim and skinny while Meguru...

... has THOSE. Have you ever seen professional swimmers? Their bodies are like... well, slim. Another thing is since she's not in the swimming team anymore, she's out of practice, so it's not much of a surprise that she isn't as fast anymore!

Well, at least her depression earned a pep talk from Tekai that triggered a Meguru flag. xD (Remember, "if you want to see all your choices in the end, save often!")

"Go... gomen..."


((By the way, sorry for being so slow; I've had a busy week. Next Hayate review will probably be a double episode review!))

Saturday, June 13, 2009

"K-On!" episode 11

Alright, I cannot wait for this show to end... -_-;;; Only one more episode.

I'm sorry, but it's gotten... boring. There's barely anything there, and am I the only one who thinks the whole jealousy thing in this episode was a little... overblown? Maybe that's just how Ritsu is or something, which would explain it.

Well, at least we got to see probably my favorite side of Mio while she was talking to Ritsu while Ritsu was sick. =3

Aww... just look at that smile. =3

I mean, it's still got some funny things in it, but it's still pretty empty. 

I do like the name for the band they came up with (and by "they" I mean Sawako), "After School Tea Time." It's got a sort of cute ring to it. =P But I wonder... What did they put down for their title last year for the festival? O^o

As for the rest of the episode, it only involved random stuff, like cleaning Yui's guitar (I've had my guitar for 5 and a half years and it hasn't been cleaned once and it's fine; then again, it is a cheap beginner's guitar... I need a job so bad TT^TT) and Mio getting all obsessive and weird about staring at left handed instruments (Seriously: the heck??)

Aww... That was a really nice thing to try, Azu-nyan. =3

I think I'm starting to like Azu-nyan more... I guess. Mugi-chan's still my favorite. ^w^

Well, maybe the last episode will be good, but that'll be its last chance of redemption. xP

Punk Can Be Cute

My brother suggested that I post new art whenever I put it online, so, well, here it goes...

So, my brother also said that maybe I could talk about it underneath. xD

There's not much to say, I guess, but this is a character I made, named Kara Rose. She acts cute and cheery, but also likes punk stuff (hence the title).

This was just a random urge to draw a picture and color it with colored pencils.

Some of the clothing and such is inspired by various things. Her hair is inspired by Momo's from "Manabi Straight!" her top was inspired by a shirt someone wore on "So You Think You Can Dance" (xD), and her belts were inspired by Leon's from (at least) "Kingdom Hearts."

I think her bent leg looks odd, and so does the bend in her hair there. =P

(Random "trivia:" The hands look odd because I accidentally hand the hand flipped the wrong way. =P *facepalm*)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"Hatsukoi Limited" episode 09


Thankfully, there wasn't much Misaki and Yuuji mention in the episode. =P There was a lot involving the sweet girl, Nao. =3 After this episode, I'm unsure about my shipping choice of Nao and Sogabe! Well, I guess sense Renjou left, shipping her with him would be... well, unlikely, I guess. I mean, he's gotta come back sometime, though not exactly during any of the time that the show takes place. =P

Renjou is a super nice guy, though. =3 And, man, even though he was only in one episode, they did a good job at making you miss him! I got all teary-eyed when he left! Poor Nao... And the note he left was so sweet and reassuring at the same time, too. =3

*sniffle* I repeat: poor Nao...

They spent the entire episode focusing on Nao and Renjou, and it was very cute. =3 We did have a little bit of Kei and Kusuda, but it only involved this...

Ugh... TT^TT Only a kappa, not even any chocolate...

Oh, also, Kei was AWESOME this episode, scolding Ayumi and Koyoi for melding!

You guys suck!

Anyway, back to the main subject, most of the time it was Renjou helping Nao with her painting (aww...), but something that was especially cute was the main thing he adressed in his farewell letter: Nao was one of the only people who agreed with his plan to go overseas. After his family and friends kept nagging him, she smiled at him and told him how great it was that he was going to go help others, which was soon followed by...

(Wow, she's short...)

SQUEE! ^w^ Hugs! =3

Oh my gosh, that was so sweet!

What a pretty shot... =3

"Hayate the Combat Butler!!" episode 10

Also kind of not as good as when it started, I guess. =P

But, anyway, this episode had Hayate looking for a present for Hina's birthday (I won't talk about how much I don't like Hina... for now...). We then learn why Hayate doesn't have or want a girlfriend: it's because he's gay. No, just kidding. It's because he's poor (I ain't got no money / I ain't got no car to take you on a date*). Those song lyrics just about explain why he won't get a girlfriend because he's poor. =P

I'm happy that Ayumu heard, but, as I said before, I'm rooting for Nagi (even if I don't like tsundere). If only every girl that likes Hayate heard that, because then maybe they could either back off or maybe even help him out a bit. Or something!

Still, it's a little insane how many girls like him, though I've already mentioned this before.

Oh, we also learn that Maria never knew her parents, her real name, or her real birthday. Oh, and she celebrates her birthday on Christmas Eve.

Aww... what a sweet promise, Hayate. =3

(By the way, I like Maria in her sweet mode, though I really hate her pissed off mode...)

Nice move, Hayate!!

All together now: Daww...

(* If you don't know what song that is, look it up. xD)

"K-On!" episode 10

Is it just me or is this what started off as an awesome anime... going downhill? It's just... kind of boring now... I had even forgotten what happened in the last episode at first...

Well, either way, I'm just gonna bare with it; hope it gets awesome again.

So... what should I talk about... Well, they went to another one of Mugi-chan's family's summer houses (oh, gosh, return of the barnacles... And it also spawned another of Mio's whiny scenes...)... And Azu-nyan is getting a little more... adjusted to the band's lifestyle.

It's cuter when it's a guy and a girl.

Oh, gosh, a courage test!! I would totally fail one of those!! Well, if you do it like they did in Nanatsuiro Drops, than it'd be a girl and boy in each pair, so as long as it was a guy I liked, I'd be happy with him there to protect me (and by protect, I mean be surprised as I scream a huddle into him... which would WIN).

Wait, I'm getting off the subject here... What else... Well, as usual, they screwed around, but Yui got to learn about tuners and she got her own little lesson with Azu-nyan. =3

Aww... she's like completely part of the band family now. =3 (Nice tan.)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

"Hatsukoi Limited" episode 08

It was just a freakin' sucker!!

So, a guy gives you candy, and you fall in love with him?? I prefer the Yoshihiko and Misaki ship, but I still would prefer Mamoru for Misaki rather than Yuuji!! Not only is he some weirdo with a sister complex, but the only reason she "loves" him is because ever since he shoved a lollipop into her mouth, her heart goes thump thump whenever she thinks of him! The heck!? That would weird me out if I were her!!

Ugh... so anyway... Valentine's Day episode! You know what that means? Homemade chocolate! =D

Alright, so it's not always a good thing...

But, anyway, I'm not going to spend too much time on this episode (am I getting lazy or something?), because the main thing is I am so pissed about Misaki being in love with Yuuji! I mean, I wish that when Kei and Misaki accidently switched boxes, it stayed that way. Then Yuuji would continue to think that Misaki doesn't love him and Kusuda and Kei might finally hook up!

Just confess already!!

Okay, I do have to admit that the ship tease between Kei and Kusuda is cute and fun to watch, though. ^w^

Umm... I think I support the Ayumi and Mamoru ship...


Monday, June 1, 2009

"Hayate the Combat Butler!!" episode 09

Why is she back!? Just go away! Nobody likes you!

As you can tell, I'm not happy to see her again! Hopefully she'll poof for the rest of the show. PLEASE.

I learned in this episode (sense I haven't seen the first season) how the love in this show is more complex than just a love triangle (or... a love octagon with all the people loving Hayate...). It's more like a love... steel-wool (This-person loves so-and-so, but so-and-so loves what's-her-face, but that-other-girl loves so-and-so, and what's-her-face could care less for so-and-so, while... You get what I mean...)

So, basically the first part of the show involves Sister and Wataru, which leads to...

Don't do it; it's a trap!

... that. Caption says all that I feel...

Second part is also rather... unimportant with nothing to mention. I can't even remember much about it... Wait... the Bottle Fairy teacher wants a boyfriend, gets invited to a high society party, then tries to find someone to teach her how to get said boyfriend.

Well, every episode doesn't really have anything important anyway, though I still like to watch it. =3

So, here's another short episode review, but what do you expect from "Hayate the Combat Butler?" xD

(Random: I love the OP! I do love ELISA from the songs by her that I've heard, that being the OPs and EDs of both season of "Ef: A Tale of Memories." DANG, her songs rock... xD)