First: One word...
This episode mainly focuses on the kitty that Hayate found, and oh my gosh is it cute!
Sorry about that... The fact that the kitty is so cute isn't particularly important at the moment. So, anyway, lets get on with some real reviewing-
Okay, okay, I will seriously stop now. Onward...
So, anyway, I'm so happy that Hayate is now away from Hina (geez, I don't like her... Okay, she's got some good points, like how she said she'd be rooting for another girl to win Hayate over in the last episode... that was nice) and back with Nagi (I'm rooting for Nagi, though).
Another person who this also seems to focus on a good amount is Tama, getting the longest amount of screen time so far in this season. xP I heard he was annoying, so I expected so much, but turned out he wasn't that bad (at least in this episode). He was actually kind of cute the way he clung onto Nagi's affections and just wanted to keep it...
Okay, that does not count!! (Ugh... Nightmare Fuel...)
So, anyway, it actually was cool to see Isumi in normal clothes. She somehow looks totally different! xD I hope she stays that way! =P
At least she agrees with me that Shiranui's cute...
Also, I wonder what was with them hinting to Shiranui being evil, but then dropping it right away. You see him give a creepy grin after Tama's locked up and that's it. Maybe it'll come back later? Though, either way, Shiranui is CUTE!
Alright, alright, I'll stop talking about how he's so cute... though he is... And I'll only stop talking about how cute he is for now... *evil grin*
Yeah! Like that! (Ugh, more Nightmare Fuel... even worse this time...)
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